Using online learning services that incorporate artificial intelligence
online service, learning, artificial intelligence, analysis, use, Chat GPT, GeminiAbstract
The text summarizes the experiences, advantages, and disadvantages of using AI technologies in education. It analyzes the current state of artificial intelligence in this field and evaluates various modern AI equivalents, justifying their potential use. The overview includes popular online learning services that incorporate AI technologies, utilized by both educational institutions and manufacturing companies. The focus is primarily on language models and services such as ChatGPT, Microsoft Gemini, and Na Urok. It highlights how AI can provide information and answers across various subjects, thereby helping to expand knowledge. The authors also outline a list of tasks in higher education where AI technologies can be effectively applied, making learning more engaging for students and easing the workload for teachers. The text discusses the advantages and disadvantages of specific online learning services that employ AI technologies, summarizing their accuracy, reliability, and ease of use. Despite certain shortcomings of existing AI, it emphasizes its significant advantages over traditional information searches, including real-time data collection, enhanced accuracy, and reduced inconsistency. The incorporation of these AI tools in the educational process can improve query correctness, data collection accuracy, and, consequently, the quality of information obtained for educational content. It concludes that AI holds considerable potential for advancing the educational process and its efficiency. Additionally, the authors note the growing global interest in AI technologies within the manufacturing sector, linking this trend to the future knowledge requirements for students. Ultimately, it is established that the use of AI can significantly enhance the effectiveness of both the educational process and other areas.
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Yak ShI vplyvaie na systemu osvity. URL: (Accessed March 05, 2024)