Methods of using UTM tags for site traffic monitoring and web analytics


  • kh. Mozul Lviv National Environmental University
  • P. Lub Lviv National Environmental University
  • L. Chukhrai Lviv National Environmental University
  • S. Shtohryn Lviv National Environmental University
  • V. Fiialkovskyi Lviv National Environmental University



UTM tags, methodology, monitoring, traffic, site, web analytics, Google Analytics


The article examines the significance of web services and the Internet in promoting products through social networks and websites. It highlights that companies utilizing web applications and social networks aim to connect with their audience and attract more customers. The research identifies the advantages of marketing on social networks, which are currently recognized as some of the most effective methods for promoting goods and services. Additionally, the article discusses the development of IT tools that enable the monitoring of user activity on social networks, a relevant issue for modern enterprises. The authors evaluate the technical capabilities of tracking users in the global network through web analytics tools. These tools provide developers and site owners with insights into user behavior, navigation patterns, and interests. The article outlines both the advantages and disadvantages of web analytics tools and describes the primary metrics - digital indicators that include views, purchases, visits, and targeted actions. It details the application of Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) technology and the Google Analytics system. The methods for utilizing UTM tags and generating reports on user activity on websites are defined. It explains how to create a UTM tag, including the parameters and tracking variables involved. The role of each component in identifying the source of website traffic is discussed, allowing for effective tracking of new user flows. Finally, the article lists the results that can be achieved through proper implementation of UTM tags and the Google Analytics system, presenting the outcomes of specific Google Analytics reports and an evaluation of the increased activity of website users.


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How to Cite

Mozul Х., Lub П., Chukhrai Л., Shtohryn С., & Fiialkovskyi В. (2024). Methods of using UTM tags for site traffic monitoring and web analytics. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (28), 159–165.




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