Stress distribution in a half-plane with a circular hole under tension at an angle to a straight edge
concentration of stresses near holes, biharmonic functions of stresses, bipolar coordinatesAbstract
In modern industries such as project construction, aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding, and machine engineering, thin elastic plates are commonly used. Depending on various factors, these plates feature different types of holes, which can lead to strain concentration when loaded near these holes. This concentration of strain can have an unfavorable impact on the durability of the component. The distribution of strains around the contours of the holes is uneven, leading to small sections that experience high strain levels. These critical sections are often where brittle cracks or plastic deformations develop, potentially resulting in structural failure.
Therefore, studying the distribution of strains near curved holes is essential from both theoretical and engineering perspectives. This work presents a solution to the problem of stress concentration in a half-plane with a circular hole, subjected to stretching at an arbitrary angle to a straight edge. The problem is approached by utilizing the main stress function, which corresponds to the stress state in the half-plane without the hole. A second biharmonic function is added to this function, accounting for the additional stress state introduced by the hole's presence. The task involves finding a biharmonic stress function that satisfies the boundary conditions along the contour of the hole, on the straight edge, and at infinity. The novelty of this research lies in its provision of insights regarding the impact of the edge orientation of the half-plane concerning the tensile load field on stress concentration. The solution is
presented in bipolar coordinates, and formulas for the stresses along the contour of the hole and on the straight edge are derived. The stress values obtained for various key points along the hole’s contour and the straight edge for specific cases provide a basis for establishing the coefficient of strain concentration near the holes. This information can be beneficial in engineering practices during the design and development of components in the aircraft, shipbuilding, and machine manufacturing industries.
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