Prospects for the reorganization of machine-building enterprises into large machine-building companies of Ukraine
machine building, reorganization, production system, machine-building companies, competitiveness, efficiency, development, technological breakthroughAbstract
The article focuses on the challenge of enhancing the competitiveness of Ukrainian machine-building enterprises, which is vital for equipping the national economy with modern production technologies. It emphasizes the necessity of producing high-quality machinery products to meet domestic demand and compete effectively in both national and international markets. An in-depth analysis of the current state of the industry identifies key factors that influence the production of high-quality products. The importance of organizational and technological aspects in fostering innovative development in machine building and promoting advanced production methods is highlighted. It has been determined that in-house manufacturing technology systems are the most effective for maintaining complete control over the entire product lifecycle, from development to disposal, which is crucial for achieving high-quality standards.
The historical analysis of machine building in Ukraine reveals challenges stemming from the breakdown of direct relationships between manufacturers and technology suppliers. It was observed that the introduction of centralized repair and maintenance services led to a decline in the efficiency of technical maintenance, which consequently reduced equipment effectiveness. The study has recognized that re-establishing direct production and technological links, along with the implementation of modern production organization methods, are essential for enhancing the efficiency and competitiveness of Ukrainian machinery products.
Moreover, it is crucial to follow the suggestions of experts focused on the development of machine-building enterprises, agriculture, and legislative regulations related to food supply and production diversification. The significance of government support for stimulating innovation and improving product quality is emphasized. The article stresses the importance of adopting programmatic approaches to ensure increased production responsibilities, advancements in machine technical specifications, and the development of technological systems to enhance the effective operation of the equipment throughout its lifecycle.
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