Methodological complex for determining cutting force during turning operations


  • S. Baranovych Lviv National Environmental University
  • R. Sheremeta Lviv National Environmental University
  • O. Shvets Lviv National Environmental University
  • S. Korobka Lviv National Environmental University
  • S. Syrotiuk Lviv National Environmental University


turning-milling machine, cutting force, LabVIEW environment, methodological measurement complex, application software


The work presents a comprehensive methodology for determining cutting force during turning operations. Reducing energy consumption in mechanical metal processing is crucial for optimizing production. Energy consumption can be measured directly or indirectly. To minimize the time spent measuring cutting force and other technological parameters, computer-based measurement and modeling methods can be employed. This assessment of necessary technological parameters in mechanical metal processing can be facilitated using virtual tools in the LabVIEW software environment developed by National Instruments. This software offers several advantages: it utilizes a visual programming language, features an intuitive user interface, allows for real-time use of external input/output devices, and provides robust data visualization tools that can display data in graphs, diagrams, and tables. Additionally, it supports various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it versatile for use on different devices. The LabVIEW environment is thus proposed for determining the technological parameters of turning operations. The primary component of cutting force can be established by continuously inputting data from a torque dynamometer (DK1) that includes a hardware-software system for obtaining a digital signal of the measured quantities. Other components of cutting force can be estimated using analytical methods within the LabVIEW software. This approach enables research across a wide range of technological parameters in mechanical metal processing on turning-milling machines, while allowing for real-time visualization and analysis of the measured parameters on a PC.


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How to Cite

Baranovych С., Sheremeta Р., Shvets О., Korobka С., & Syrotiuk С. (2025). Methodological complex for determining cutting force during turning operations. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (28), 32–36. Retrieved from




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