
  • S. Kovalyshyn Lviv National Agrarian University
  • O. Shvets Lviv National Agrarian University
  • V. Dadak Lviv National Agrarian University
  • V. Ptashnyk Lviv National Agrarian University



grain electrogravitational separation, chamber electrocorona separator, the criterion of division, e mass of a thousand of seeds, impurities, losses, quality of separation


The article is devoted to substantiation of technological parameters of the process of electrogravitational separation of grain.

The results of studies of the process of electrogravitational separation of wheat, barley and rye grain with using a chamber electrocorona separator are presented in the article. The grain mix was separated in the horizontal plane into three fractions in the electrocorona separator.

The seed mixtures, subjected to separation process, contained high-quality grain, puny, crushed and threshed grains (wastes), parts of spikelets, stems and weed seeds, other impurities.

Separation efficiency was evaluated by determining the mass of thousands of seeds of each separated fraction, the content of impurities in the separated seeds, and the loss of the main crop to the waste. The high voltage of the electric field in the inter-electrode zone of the separator served as a regulated parameter of the process.

As a result of the studies, it has been found that the maximum mass of one thousand seeds is in the seed fraction in the 1 receiver (with a minimum of vertical deviation angle) at electrode voltages within 15…20 kV. The decrease in voltage leads to a decrease of this index and an increase in impurities in the separated grain. The voltage increasing up to 15 kV leads to an increased loss of the main crop to the waste.

Result of the researches demonstrate that the optimum mode of operation of the separator during the separation of winter wheat seeds is achieved at voltages at the corona electrode of U = 14…15 kV; for barley seeds the losses and clogging do not exceed the norm of the voltage at the corona electrode of U = 15 kV; optimum rye separation mode is ensured by the voltage at the corona electrode of U = 13…14 kV.


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How to Cite

Kovalyshyn С., Shvets О., Dadak В., & Ptashnyk В. (2023). RESEARCH OF ELECTRO-GRAVITY SEPARATION OF GRAIN. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (23), 19–25.




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