Study of physical and mechanical properties of Gala apple fruits
fruits, apples, physical and mechanical properties, dimensional indicators, cutting forceAbstract
This article focuses on the physical and mechanical properties of apple fruits that must be considered during post-harvest processing. Apples undergo various mechanical actions such as cleaning, transportation, sorting, storage, and processing. Therefore, designing and calculating equipment for these mechanical operations requires a thorough understanding of the fruit's technological properties, including size, weight, strength, and cutting force. Understanding the cutting force of fruit is essential for determining optimal and efficient parameters for the working components that crush the fruit. This knowledge is also vital for designing machines and equipment for the processing industry.
To address these needs, a program for experimental research has been developed, specifically aimed at determining the physical and mechanical properties of Gala apples. This variety is well-established in Ukraine and thrives in the Western regions. The research will focus on the following aspects:
- mass and dimensional parameters
- fruit density
- fruit cutting force
By analyzing the results of the experimental studies and the resulting curves, the authors can draw meaningful conclusions about the Gala apple variety.
- diameter dmin = 57 mm, dmax = 80 mm, daverage = 63 mm, Vcoefficient of variation = 7 %;
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