Intelligent information systems for managing the traceability of agricultural products


  • A. Zheliezniak Lviv National Environmental University
  • V. Ptashnyk Lviv National Environmental University
  • R. Padiuka Lviv National Environmental University
  • V. Smolinskyi Lviv National Environmental University
  • V. Stanko Lviv National Environmental University



intelligent information systems, traceability, supply chains, agricultural products


The development of agriculture in modern conditions must take into account not only technological production factors and the efficient use of resources but also the quality requirements for agricultural products. Ukraine is establishing legislative measures for managing agrarian supply chains. Consequently, food producers need to automate the process of tracking the traceability of agricultural products. This automation will enable processing companies to implement internal quality standards that comply with both EU regulations and Ukrainian legislation. Food producers can be legally held accountable for food safety at all stages, from production to retail sales. This makes traceability a critical issue for these enterprises, particularly as users of information systems and technologies. By introducing specialized intelligent information technologies, manufacturers and processing companies can manage their supply chains more effectively and enhance their competitiveness in both domestic and international markets.

The article analyzes the potential for employing intelligent information systems to manage supply chains and the traceability of agricultural products. It discusses the main components of an intelligent information system that could help ensure product traceability from production to sale. It also describes the processes that affect traceability and can be automated, including identification and labeling, inventory management systems, and the implementation of technologies and tools for tracking. Furthermore, the authors explore additional technologies that can support agricultural products, examining the use of contactless data exchange technologies and tracking tools, such as RFID. Finally, they propose solutions for addressing the challenges of product traceability for agricultural producers through intelligent information technologies.


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How to Cite

Zheliezniak А., Ptashnyk В., Padiuka Р., Smolinskyi В., & Stanko В. (2024). Intelligent information systems for managing the traceability of agricultural products. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (28), 166–172.




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