Research of the two-stage fine cleaning diesel fuel filter


  • Oleg Mironiuk Lviv National Agrarian University
  • Viktor Shevchuk Lviv National Agrarian University
  • Rostyslav Paslavskyi Lviv National Agrarian University



fine fuel filter, hydrophobic partition, hydrodynamic effect, filter element


The article substantiates the necessity of purification of diesel fuel in the power supply systems of diesel engines from mechanical pollution and water, which significantly impairs reliability of the elements of the fuel supply system. Removal of contaminants from fuel can be carried out using various methods, which are based on chemical, physical and chemical, and physical processes. The most common are physical methods of cleaning and dehydration of fuel using filter porous partitions. The advantages and disadvantages of hydrophobic and hydrophilic filter materials are established. It is promising to use a hydrophobic filter surface, the regeneration of which is continuous due to the use of the hydrodynamic effect without the use of additional devices. The material for the hydrophobic partition was a metal mesh with a fluoroplastic coating. Studies have been conducted to determine the efficiency of fuel dehydration, water permeability and hydraulic resistance of hydrophobic partitions with different cross-section of the pore cells of the filter material. The best filtering properties have a grid № 004, which is adopted by the material for the proposed filter element of the fine fuel filter. The proposed filter is made in two stages. In the first stage there is a basic cleaning of diesel fuel from pollution and water, in the second - additional cleaning and return of pollution back to a tank. In both stages, a filter element is used, the porous partition of which is made in the form of a truncated cone of hydrophobic material. The overall dimensions of the hydrodynamic filter are calculated according to the conditions of equality of fuel flow in all its cross-sections. The tests proved the efficiency of the proposed filter for water separation and increase its service life as compared to serial filters for fine cleaning of diesel fuel. The proposed filter provides a cleaning fineness of 3 μm, to bring the completeness of water separation to 100%, and increases the service life of the filter 3.7 times.


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How to Cite

Mironiuk О. ., Shevchuk В. ., & Paslavskyi Р. . (2021). Research of the two-stage fine cleaning diesel fuel filter. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (25), 49–56.

