Test of the modernized screw oil press


  • R. Shevchuk Lviv National Agrarian University
  • O. Sukach Lviv National Agrarian University




screw oil press, modernization, energy efficiency, oil, locked part, cold pressing


Screw oil presses are widely used by small processing plants due to the continuity of the oil extraction process. Screw presses, which process 30 to 50 kg of oil raw material – seeds or mill cake, and are used in processing scheme, adapted to the processing of wide variation of crops and production volumes are most widespread.

The technological process of extracting oil from seeds is characterized by significant energy costs, which distinguish three main components. The first component is the energy consumption of compressing and moving the oil in the working cylinder; the second is the loss of energy to overcome the resistance of the bridge between holes of the locked part to the displacement of the compressed mill  cake; the third is the energy consumption of moving the compressed cake in the holes of the locked part. The second and third components form the energy required to move of the compressed mill cake into the locked part. Loss of energy to overcome the resistance of the bridges increases with increasing pressure, and the proportion of this component becomes significant in the structure of the energy required for pressing. Accordingly, increasing the energy loss to overcome the resistance of the bridges reduces the energy efficiency of the press. If the bridges are removed, the energy required to move the compressed mill cake into the locked part reduced, as well as the energy required to press the oil feedstock, and the energy efficiency of the press is increasing.

The modernization of the developed and tested design of the locking part created a screw oil press, which is characterized by high energy efficiency and quality indicators of the pressed oil from flax, rapeseed, radish, mustard, milk thistle, hemp and soybeans. The modernized press is intended for small-scale processing, at small-scale farms and agricultural households producing oilseeds. It can also be used successfully in production lines adapted to the wide variation in the need for oil production, where the required production volume is proportional to the number of simultaneously working presses.


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How to Cite

Shevchuk Р., & Sukach О. (2023). Test of the modernized screw oil press . Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (24), 69–76. https://doi.org/10.31734/agroengineering2020.24.069

