Impact of modern information technologies on the processes of initiating and planning the community and regional development projects


  • A. Tryhuba Lviv National Environmental University
  • O. Malanchuk Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • I. Tryhuba Lviv National Environmental University
  • A. Marmuliak Lviv State University of Life Safety
  • V. Demchyna Lviv National Environmental University
  • O. Andrushkiv Lviv State University of Life Safety
  • R. Oliinyk Lviv State University of Life Safety



information technology, initiation, planning, projects, information development, project offices


An analysis was conducted on the development status of communities and regions, leading to the identification of a need for projects that utilize various information technologies. Additionally, it was recognized that a method is required to assess the informational capacity of project offices responsible for implementing community and regional development initiatives. The analysis highlighted the unique aspects of employing modern information technologies in project management within these project offices. It is suggested that the assessment of information development levels in project offices should be based on an exploration of the interconnected processes of digitalization, digitization, and digital transformation. Accordingly, project offices can be classified into three distinct development levels. The findings indicate that leveraging modern information technologies significantly influences the initiation and planning phases of community and regional development projects. These effects are evident in management tasks involving the


collection and analysis of large volumes of data.

An approach to evaluating the level of information development of project offices engaged in community and regional development projects has been presented. This approach focuses on key indicators such as the speed of information access, the quality of decision-making by project managers, and the overall information development status of the project offices.

Implementing this approach allows for the consideration of the unique aspects related to generating data on project environment indicators. These indicators form the foundation for selecting appropriate information technologies that will facilitate the effective execution of community development projects across various sectors, ensuring optimal resource use and the achievement of strategic community and regional development goals.

Based on this approach, a quantitative evaluation of the information development indicators and levels of project offices under specified conditions was conducted. The results revealed that the fastest information access speeds occur in environmental projects, at approximately 80 KB/sec, while social projects exhibited the slowest access speeds at 32 KB/sec. Moreover, the highest improvement in decision-making quality, at around 25%, was seen in transport projects with the aid of information technology, compared to a 20% improvement in social projects. It was also discovered that different types of projects employ varying levels of information technology, impacting both the speed of information access and the quality of management decision-making by project managers.


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How to Cite

Tryhuba А., Malanchuk О., Tryhuba І., Marmuliak А., Demchyna В., Andrushkiv О., & Oliinyk Р. (2024). Impact of modern information technologies on the processes of initiating and planning the community and regional development projects. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (28), 148–158.




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