Target function of the biotechnical system of animal breeding products and algorithm of its implementation


  • V. Bratishko National University of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine
  • V. Khmeliovskyi National University of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine
  • V. Rebenko National University of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine
  • V. Kuzmenko National Scientific Center «Institute for Agriculture Engineering and Electrification»
  • V. Tkach National Scientific Center «Institute for Agriculture Engineering and Electrification»



algorithm, biotechnical system, productivity, prime cost, animal breeding, target function, quality


The article considers the biotechnical system of animal breeding, presented in the form of a structural scheme containing interconnected links, where the input parameters are factors, functionally related to some target function of the biotechnical system. The work analyses a number of target functions for assessing the efficiency of the biotechnical system of animal breeding, which are the most common, i.e. total or specific energy costs, quality of the biotechnical system, technical and economic indicators, etc., which determine the final product cost.

It is proposed to make evaluation of the efficiency of technological processes and functioning of the biotechnical system of animal breeding on the basis of the technological level – the number of technological operations performed at the appropriate (higher) level of technological structure.

Improving the efficiency of the biotechnical system of animal breeding production in accordance with the defined target function, the main component is to minimize the cost of products of the set quality, which requires analysis and appropriate ranking of input parameters that effect the target function.

The target function of the biotechnical system of animal breeding production and the algorithm of its implementation are shaped in the work. It suggests ensuring the minimum cost of animal breeding products in compliance with the regulatory requirements for product quality, which is maximum possible under such conditions of productivity and technological level of the biotechnical system.

Application of the above-described algorithm allows substantiating the rational parameters of technical support for the system of technological processes of animal breeding production in terms of ensuring the lowest cost of final products and the highest productivity while securing the highest technological level of the biotechnical system.


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How to Cite

Bratishko В., Khmeliovskyi В., Rebenko В., Kuzmenko В., & Tkach В. (2023). Target function of the biotechnical system of animal breeding products and algorithm of its implementation. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (24), 136–142.

