Organizational and technological compatibility of maintenance processes of N2 category car
cars, maintenance, technological process, specialization, compatibility, postAbstract
Organizational and technological compatibility (OTC) is a property that determines both the possibility and feasibility of combining various technological processes (TP) of repair and maintenance in a common flow. This property is due to the similarity of the design, the same type of technology and subject flexibility of the repair and technological equipment used, and, as a result, the similarity of the technological and production structures of various technological processes of repair and maintenance. Therefore, organizational and technological compatibility characterizes both necessary and sufficient conditions for combining various technological processes of repair or maintenance in a common flow.
However, these are just the necessary conditions for combining technological processes of maintenance of different objects in a common flow.
The development of multi-subject specialization, both poly-subject and poly-technological, is extremely important for ensuring effective processes of technical service and they are based on studies of the organizational and technological compatibility of technological processes.
The article proposes to investigate the optimization of the production structure of car maintenance points at stationary posts by reducing the costs of carrying out various types of maintenance due to combining their execution in a common flow. These regulations are developed for the given structure of the inter-repair cycle and the normative average annual mileage of cars. Various maintenance of cars can be performed both in a joint flow (poly-technological specialization) and at specialized points of technical service (PTS) (mono-technological specialization), which are selected from pre-synthesized parametric series. To substantiate the specialization, it is necessary to compare the maintenance costs. If the costs in the common stream are lower than the costs at the specialized posts, then the technological processes of maintenance are compatible, if they are higher, then incompatible.
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