
  • D. Hrechyn Lviv National Agrarian University
  • I. Drobot Lviv National Agrarian University
  • A. Herman Lviv National Agrarian University



classical method, transient processes, harmonic function, calculation algorithm, Cauchy problem


The vast majority of objects are non-stationary, they vary in time under the influence of internal and external factors. For a formal description of nonstationary processes, a special mathematical apparatus, called differential equations, was developed. Different methods for calculating transient processes in linear circuits take into account the different number of expansion members (in multi-step methods in conjunction with interpolation formulas), which determines the accuracy of computations. When using these methods on a computer it is necessary to distinguish the rounding errors due to the limited number of significant digits in the computer; cut-off error (limitation) is a methodological error associated with the approximation of solutions to finite rows, instead of infinite, for example, Taylor series. Methods of solving the Cauchy problem are divided into one-to-one and multi-step. In one-step methods, finding the next point on the curve requires information about only one previous step (Euler's and Runge-Kutta's methods). In multi-step methods, finding the next point on the curve requires information from more than one of the previous points. From a mathematical point of view, the classical method for calculating transition processes in linear circles is the easiest among known methods for solving the Cauchy problem for a linear system of differential equations with constant coefficients. Analysis of the problem has shown that if, before the description of transient processes in linear electric circles, it is not the differential equations that are integral, then the mathematical formulation of the problem is simpler from the conceptual point of view.

In the article the variant of the classical method for calculating transient processes in linear stationary electric circles is considered, which allows to write down the systems of algebraic equations with unknown parameters of the solution of the problem directly on the basis of the system of integral equations of the process in a circle.


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How to Cite

Hrechyn Д., Drobot І., & Herman А. (2018). THE CLASSICAL METHOD OF LINEAR CIRCUITS TRANSIENTS WITH POLYNOMIAL INPUTS. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (22), 140–147.




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