martial law, food security of the state, regional development, territorial communities, land reform, agroindustrial complex, market relations, land protection, greening of technologiesAbstract
The article discusses the peculiarities of state control over land use and protection under martial law in Ukraine. According to Resolution No. 303 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, issued on March 13, 2022, state supervision measures are suspended under martial law. This means such measures can only be conducted based on decisions from central executive authorities when there is a threat of negative impacts on the natural environment or state security, as well as to meet Ukraine's international obligations.
The impact of the war on land use and protection has been analyzed, revealing a need for a fundamental shift in the state's approach to protecting the land fund. It is essential to develop strategies for the post-war restoration of the land fund while safeguarding against arbitrary seizure, squandering, and degradation. Due to the suspension of measures against soil erosion and pollution, the areas of degraded land are continuously on the rise. Issues related to land use, underutilization of land resources, and ecological stress stem from inadequate land management practices and require immediate improvement. The deterioration of land can often be an irreversible process, significantly affecting food security in Ukraine.
New approaches to address these challenges have been proposed, and authorities have begun taking action to strengthen land protection. For instance, on September 4, 2023, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine issued Order No. 1625 “On Approval of the Unified Form of an Act to be Drawn Up Based on the Results of a Scheduled (Unscheduled) State Supervision (Control) Event Concerning Compliance by a Business Entity with the Requirements of Legislation in the Field of Land Use and Protection, and Other Forms of Administrative Documents”. This order came into effect on November 27.
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