Nine electrode arc furnace for scrap metal melting
arc steel-casting furnaces (ASCF), scrap of ferrous metal, melting stage, ASCF mathematical modelAbstract
The present and further accumulation of significant reserves of scrap ferrous metals requires its reuse for metal products in various metal-intensive industries. For this purpose, scrap metal is melted in arc steel furnaces (ASCF). It is known that the cost of electrical steel obtained in ASCF of large capacity is lower than the steel from furnaces of smaller capacity. However, the technological process in large-capacity ASCF requires significant electricity consumption, especially at the stage of scrap metal melting. The article deals with the technical innovative solution aimed at saving electricity during the reheating of scrap metal in ASCF with capacity of more than 100 tons. The essence of the innovative solution is to improve the design of the ASCF, in particular the use of additional six electrodes of pulsed current to three electrodes of alternating current.
The research considers the innovative technical decision directed to the electrical power savings while melting the scrap metal. The mathematical model was improved for the complex study of the electromagnetic and heat processes in the arc steel-casting furnaces. Using the developed mathematical model, one can study the quality of electrical power in the system of energy supply of arc steel-casting furnaces.
The experiment shows that the optimal placement of the electrodes of alternating and pulsed currents in the room of the electric arc furnace provides a reduction in duration of the stage of scrap metal melting by about 20–25 %. During the process, the number of technological operations associated with the consumption of thermal energy concentrated in the room of the furnace is reduced that significantly effects the savings of electricity.
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