Comparative analysis of the methods of agro-ecological assessment of machine-tractor units in Ukraine and EU countries


  • P. Syvulka Lviv National Environmental University



agro-ecology, tractors, tillage, soil compaction, moisture and air content


The article focuses on a comparative analysis of the approaches, methods, and regulatory frameworks for agro-ecological assessment of machine-tractor units (MTU) in Ukraine (the Eastern School) and EU countries (the Western School, specifically using Germany as an example). There are significant differences related to the increasing use of heavy tractors classified between 3 and 6, which raises urgent concerns about soil compaction and degradation in agricultural lands. This situation highlights the necessity for the development of a national framework in Ukraine that aligns with EU standards. One major issue identified is the ambiguity surrounding the use of specific wheel pressure as the sole regulatory indicator for the agro-ecological assessment of MTUs. Additionally, there is a lack of a national regulatory framework for the rapid assessment of the physical and mechanical properties of various soils, such as the use of penetrometers that align with EU practices. Other factors that need consideration include the varying sizes of front and rear axle wheels and the compaction caused by the rear axle during travel on a single track.

The article proposes harmonizing the national regulatory framework with EU practices through the adoption of relevant ISO standards as the national standard (DSTU). Furthermore, it offers suggestions for improving the agro-ecological assessment of MTUs by considering the sequence of wheel passage for front and rear axles, the different sizes of front and rear tires, and the effects of mounted and trailed implements.

The need for ongoing development and enhancement of methods for studying and evaluating soil compaction is emphasized, particularly during the sequential passage of wheels from the front and rear axles. This includes assessing the impact of mounted and trailed implements on load redistribution along the axles, analyzing how wheel size variations affect compaction, and monitoring the frequency of wheel passage.


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How to Cite

Syvulka П. (2024). Comparative analysis of the methods of agro-ecological assessment of machine-tractor units in Ukraine and EU countries. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (28), 209–216.

