Theoretical research of the variable compression ratio mechanism in the rodless internal combustion engine
rodless engine, variable compression ratio, mechanism of compression ratio variation, hydraulic locks, research, calculationsAbstract
It has been established that one of the ways to improve the economic and environmental performance of internal combustion engines is to regulate the compression ratio in partial engine operation modes. To explore this, an analytical review of studies on the application of variable compression ratios in gasoline engines was conducted.
The review and analysis of the research on developing engines with variable compression ratios revealed that it is possible to improve both the economic and emission characteristics of gasoline engines by enhancing the combustion process during partial load operations through compression ratio regulation. Additionally, it was found that a promising design of an engine with a variable compression ratio is the connecting rod-free piston engine with a crank-slider power mechanism. In this engine, unlike other unconventional engines, the effective efficiency tends to increase as the compression ratio exceeds 14, thanks to the reduced dependency of the mechanical efficiency coefficient on load and rotation speed. Furthermore, in a connecting rod-free internal combustion engine, the implementation of compression ratio variation is simpler and more efficient, improving engine performance.
It is known that existing samples of engines with variable compression ratios have a low response speed of the compression ratio adjustment mechanism. This results in a significant amount of engine operation time under detonation conditions, reducing its reliability and durability. Therefore, studying the effect of the compression ratio adjustment mechanism design on the speed of compression ratio change depending on the parameters of the working process is a crucial area of research for developing engines with variable compression ratios. The study theoretically examined the impact of engine operating modes on the response time of the compression ratio adjustment mechanism. A mathematical model was developed to calculate the activation time of the mechanism, along with a methodology for selecting rational cross-sectional parameters of the hydraulic locks in the mechanism. The results of theoretical and experimental investigations of the compression ratio adjustment mechanism for a four-stroke gasoline engine are presented.
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