Research of vehicle noise load


  • O. Myroniuk Lviv National Agrarian University
  • V. Shevchuk Lviv National Agrarian University
  • Ya. Tsenyukh Lviv Branch of SOO “L. Pogorilyy Ukr NDIPVT”



outside car noise, noise field, noise sources, noise direction, operating mode


The effect of vehicle noise on the driver's physical conditions and the environment is considered in the work. Experimental testing of the external noise around the Renault Symbol passenger car has been carried out at different operating modes. The authors have made the overview of the latest publications in the field of the study of car external noise. The main sources of its radiation, which form the total sound field around the car, are found out. The article suggests a technique that allows experimental setting the noise field around the car for different modes of operation. The conducted researches prove that with increase of working volume of the engine and frequency rotation of its crankshaft, the level of sound of the car increases. Analytical dependences of the external noise level of the car and the sound level of the exhaust gas system were obtained, depending on the crankshaft rotation speed, as well as the external noise level, depending on the distance from the vehicle when operating with the muffler and without the muffler. The Renault Symbol vehicle noise field is installed and a rational noise field is proposed. It allows maintaining a permissible noise level at a distance of 7.5 m from the vehicle's longitudinal axis; providing increased directional noise along the direction of traffic as a factor in the further informing pedestrians and drivers about approaching the vehicle to ensure their safety; providing different directional indicators on the right or left side of the car depending on the traffic organization. This method can be used during testing the external noise not only of the automobile Renault Symbol, but also other mid-range passenger cars with a 1.4-1.8 l engine capacity, which can significantly reduce the costs of testing and assessing the conformity of those cars standard requirements. The method allows choosing the most effective ways of bringing it through external noise already at the stage of car designing.


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How to Cite

Myroniuk О., Shevchuk В., & Tsenyukh Я. (2023). Research of vehicle noise load. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (24), 151–159.

