Results of the experimental researches of energy consumption of the process of dosing by the individual batcher of compound feeds with a disk working body


  • V. Banha Lviv National Agrarian University
  • M. Mazurak Lviv Branch of SOO “L. Pogorilyy Ukr NDIPVT”



individual batcher, disk working body, experimental installation, compound feed


The article provides an overview and analysis of existing feed dispensers, offers a block diagram of an experimental setup to study the energy consumption of the dosing process by the individual feed dispenser with a disk working body, provides means for measuring, recording and transmitting information by electric signals, information storage and control and measuring devices, as well as devices for measuring the power of the dosing process and the unevenness of the feed, the weight of the feed in the hopper of the individual dispenser, changes in the direction of feed flow.

The work provides results of the experimental researches of the individual feeder of compound feeds with use of the planned multifactor experiment, factors of levels of their variation which influence criterion of optimization, a matrix of the plan and results of experiment, physical and mechanical properties of compound feeds.

As a result of the planned multifactor experiment, a regression equation was obtained to determine the energy consumption of an individual feed dispenser with a cone-type disk working body, which allows substantiating the design-technological and mode parameters of the dispenser.

It is established that the energy consumption of the dosing process depends on the frequency of rotation of the dosing working body, the angle of the cone at its base and the annular gap between the outlet of the hopper and the dosing working body.

 The analysis of experimental data shows that the process of the compound feeds dosing, proposed by the design of the working body of the dispenser, is carried out with energy E = (0.87… 5.15) J/ kg. In the range of speed control of the disk dosing working n = 0.28 ... 1.39 s-1, a rectilinear increase in energy consumption is observed. To ensure the maximum productivity of the disk working body of the dispenser with the minimum energy consumption of the dosing process, The researchers suggest the angle of the generating cone at its α = 20, the annular gap between the outlet of the hopper and the working h = 0.008 m.


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How to Cite

Banha В., & Mazurak М. (2023). Results of the experimental researches of energy consumption of the process of dosing by the individual batcher of compound feeds with a disk working body. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (24), 27–32.

