Enhancing the process of preparing parts for automotive equipment restoration


  • V. Kokhan Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army Academy
  • O. Honcharuk Lviv Polytechnic National University Institute of Printing Art and Media Technologies




restoration, mobile repair, ultrasound, military automotive equipment


The ongoing conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine has significantly altered the technological processes involved in preparing wheeled military automotive equipment for restoration, repair, and maintenance. This shift has been largely due to the loss of stationary repair stations, bases, and factories. An analysis of the existing military and civilian ultrasonic cleaning units, along with the technologies employed for soaking and cleaning fuel and running systems in vehicles, has highlighted several important aspects and shortcomings in their operational processes. These factors must be addressed in the development of new designs. Ultrasonic units are commonly used to clean heavily contaminated parts, such as fuel injectors, filters, pumps, and chassis components. Therefore, these units must meet the following requirements: cleaning efficiency, mobility, energy efficiency, reliability, ease of maintenance, safety of use, and considerations for safe operation in military conditions.

The authors propose a new technology for the surface preparation of parts using ultrasound for the mobile restoration and repair units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine. This innovative technology, combined with a patented universal unit, will fulfill several essential requirements, including:

- a compact and lightweight design for easy transportation and field usage;

- compatibility with standard power sources, allowing for both autonomous operation and connection to network power supplies (including generators and alternative energy sources);

- utilization of advanced ultrasonic technology for deep soaking and cleaning of fuel systems and chassis components;

- an intuitive interface that allows for quick setup and operation without the need for extensive training.

The universal ultrasonic unit, equipped with this new cleaning technology, will enhance the efficiency and quality of restoration tasks, significantly reducing the time required to repair automotive equipment in combat


conditions. This is particularly vital for units involved in maintenance operations in the field.


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How to Cite

Kokhan В., & Honcharuk О. (2024). Enhancing the process of preparing parts for automotive equipment restoration. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (28), 137–141. https://doi.org/10.31734/agroengineering2024.28.137