Analysis of existing designs and formation of a hybrid drive scheme for wheeled off-road vehicles
hybrid drive, automotive engineering, high cross-country capability, patents, drive schematicsAbstract
The hybrid drive is already an essential feature of the new fourth-generation wheeled and tracked military vehicles (MVs). However, the conditions for off-road use and the primary goals of employing a hybrid drive - such as minimizing sound and reducing infrared signatures to avoid detection by enemy thermal imagers - differ significantly from those of conventional hybrid vehicles designed for general purposes. Additionally, in field positions, a vehicle with a hybrid drive can serve as a source of exported electricity to support units when stationary power networks are unavailable.
Driving in off-road conditions imposes specific requirements on the hybrid drive's characteristics. Resistance to movement increases considerably, necessitating a higher electric-only range when the internal combustion engine is not in use, as well as a larger battery capacity to meet these demands. Furthermore, engineers must account for the capability to traverse water obstacles up to 0.8 to 1.2 meters deep, which imposes additional design constraints on the electric drive system.
As a result, these factors heavily influence the design and technical specifications of the drive, which are only now being developed, lagging behind the designs of conventional hybrid vehicles. The limited availability of public information regarding the schematics and technical details of hybrid drives in military vehicles prompted an analysis of existing patents from leading automotive manufacturers, as well as published tests and evaluations of specific models. This investigation provided valuable insights into drive schematics.
The survivability of military vehicles is crucial; they must maintain mobility despite failures in either the electric traction drive or the internal combustion engine. Accordingly, two patent-free versions of drive schematics have been developed for prospective national military vehicle models, which are also applicable to the agricultural and other sectors of the economy. These two drive schemes are currently in the process of being patented.
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