Study of occupational risks of the mechanized processes in animal husbandry


  • O. Voinalovych National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • O. Hnatyuk State Serviceof Ukrainefor Labor
  • V. Timochko Lviv National Agrarian University
  • V. Andrienko State Institution «National Research Institute of Industrial and Occupational safety»



animal husbandry, mechanized processes, professional risk, logical-simulation models


It is shown that the modeling of dangerous situations at a workplace in the form of a block diagram (tree) involves identification of the combinations of links between baseline and intermediate events that form the main event with a certain risk of injury or accidents. The purpose of this work is to analyze the adverse factors of mechanized works in animal husbandry and to propose a method of assessing the impact on occupational risk of workers changes in the determinants of occupational injuries in the industry. The paper analyzes causes of occupational injuries and occupational diseases in animal husbandry, dividing them into groups: organizational, technical, sanitary, psychophysiological. Determinants of occupational safety during mechanized works in animal husbandry are summarized in the form of a block diagram. As an example of use of the developed logical-simulation models of dangerous situations, calculations of the probability of occurrence of traumatic situations at mechanized works in animal husbandry during mechanized distribution of feed are presented. The research more concerned assessment of the quantitative (relative) impact of certain production factors on occupational risk but not so much the absolute values of the probability of occurrence of traumatic situations. A computer program SAPHIRE was used to analyze the logic-simulation model of occurrence of an injury situation and to determine the risk of injury to workers who are in the area of moving parts of machines.To calculate the probability of baseline events and further calculate the risk of injury, the generalized data for the previous years on the causes of occupational injuries in agriculture were analytically processed and used. The results of calculating the relative and absolute significance of the baseline events according to the criteria of Fusel-Vesela and Birnbaum, respectively, revealed the greatest impact of individual events on the course of traumatic situations. Changes in the values of occupational risk after the elimination of technical deficiencies in mobile equipment (3 times) and in case of improving the activities of the labor protection service at agricultural enterprises (more than 30 times) are identified.


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How to Cite

Voinalovych О. ., Hnatyuk О., Timochko В., & Andrienko В. (2021). Study of occupational risks of the mechanized processes in animal husbandry. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (25), 174–181.

