
  • Ye. Oliynyk National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • V. Voytyuk National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine



digger, digging, impurities, free soil, husk, yield, interval of crop variation


The production of chicory root products was the traditional and leading branch of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. Root chicory is used in the pharmaceutical, coffee, alcohol and confectionery industries. The production of two refineries in Ukraine, loaded at 15 ... 25% of production capacity, is exported to France, Belgium, Hungary, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the USA and other countries. The main reasons for reducing the production of chicory root crops are the inadequacy of techniques for harvesting and non-compliance of quality performance indicators with established requirements. One of the reserves for improving the quality of cleaning chicory root crops is the intensification of the technological process of separating the components of impurities from the root crops through the use of advanced treatment systems with a combined working organ, which implement an additional dynamic effect of simultaneous interaction of the cleansing elements with the components of impurities and root crops. The aim of the work is to increase the efficiency of separation of impurities from root chicory by improving the design and the choice of rational parameters of a cleaner with a combined working organ. The limits of the technological supply of the constituent components of the seed of root crops (pure root crops, soil and plant admixtures) to the working organs of the cleaner with the combined working body have been analyzed and determined. On the basis of the analysis of the processes for harvesting the hips and digging the chicory root crops, theoretical functional dependences were described that describe the change in the total supply of the components of the dug husk and the second supply of pure root crops to the purifier depending on the parameters of the root crops and the conditions of the machine for harvesting the root crops.

The established limits of the change of the second supply of pure root crops to the working organs of the purification system are a further step in the development of a methodology for improving the working organs of the treatment systems of root caverns. The received data of the input of the components of the heap is the initial conditions for further theoretical substantiation of the structural and kinematic parameters of the working bodies of the cleaner, for example, on the basis of analysis of its required calculated productivity of work, etc.


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How to Cite

Oliynyk Є., & Voytyuk В. (2018). ANALYSIS OF TECHNOLOGICAL SUPPLY OF POWDER COMPONENTS CORRESPONDERS OF CYCORIA TO THE OWNER. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (22), 53–64.

